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域名简介 Domain Introduction


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  1. quán (阳平)

    • 全:完整;全部;保全;姓氏。字面含义:complete, whole, all, to preserve. 英语含义:complete, whole, entire, all, every, surname Quan.
    • 权:权力;权利;权宜;权衡;姓氏。字面含义:power, authority, right, expedient, to weigh, surname Quan. 英语含义:power, right, authority, expedient, temporary, to weigh, measure, surname Quan.
    • 泉:泉水;钱。字面含义:spring, fountain, money (old term). 英语含义:spring, fountain, water from a spring, money (archaic).
    • 痊:病愈。字面含义:to recover from illness. 英语含义:to recover from sickness, to get well.
    • 诠:解释;注释。字面含义:to explain, to annotate. 英语含义:to explain, interpret, annotate.
    • 荃:香草名;古同“筌”。字面含义:fragrant herb; same as 筌 (bamboo fish trap). 英语含义:fragrant herb, used in names; same as 筌 (bamboo fish trap).
    • 颧:颧骨。字面含义:cheekbone, zygomatic bone. 英语含义:cheekbone, zygomatic bone.
    • 拳:拳头;拳术。字面含义:fist; boxing, martial arts. 英语含义:fist, boxing, fist-fighting, martial arts.
    • 牷:古代祭祀用的纯色的牲畜。字面含义:pure-colored sacrificial animal in ancient times. 英语含义:pure-colored sacrificial animal (ancient).
  2. quǎn (上声)

    • 犬:狗。字面含义:dog. 英语含义:dog, canine.
    • 绻:弯曲。字面含义:bent, curled. 英语含义:bent, curled, entwined.
    • 畎:田间小沟。字面含义:small ditch in a field. 英语含义:small ditch between fields, furrow.
    • 泫:流眼泪的样子。字面含义:appearance of weeping. 英语含义:appearance of weeping, glistening (of tears).
  3. quàn (去声)

    • 劝:劝告;劝勉。字面含义:to advise, to exhort. 英语含义:to advise, urge, encourage, recommend.
    • 券:证券;票据;凭证。字面含义:certificate, ticket, bond, voucher. 英语含义:ticket, bond, certificate, voucher, coupon.
    • 眷:眷恋;眷顾。字面含义:to be attached to, to care for. 英语含义:to be attached to, care for, feel affection for.
    • 绻:通“畎”。 字面含义:same as 畎 (small ditch). 英语含义:same as 畎 (small ditch). (注:此字在quǎn音中也出现,但此为通假用法,在quàn音也列出。)
    • 隽:同“俊”。字面含义:same as 俊 (outstanding, talented). 英语含义:same as 俊 (outstanding, talented). (注:此字在jùn 音中更常用,此处为通假用法,在quàn 音也列出。)


  1. duì (去声)

    • 对:对着;对待;对立;对错;对联;对于;对等;答对;对换;姓氏。字面含义:towards, treat, opposite, right and wrong, couplet, regarding, equal, to answer, to exchange, surname Dui. 英语含义:right, correct, opposite, to face, towards, treat, deal with, couple, pair, to answer, reply, agree, surname Dui.
    • 队:队伍;军队;队形。字面含义:team, group, army, formation. 英语含义:team, group, line, ranks, army unit, squad, team.
    • 兑:兑换;兑现;八卦之一。字面含义:to exchange, to convert, to honor a commitment, trigram in 八卦 (Bagua). 英语含义:to exchange, convert, cash, honor (promise),兑卦 (one of the Eight Trigrams - Lake, Marsh).
    • 怼:怨恨。字面含义:to resent, to hate. 英语含义:to hate, resent, to oppose, to argue.
    • 碓:舂米的工具。字面含义:pestle for husking rice. 英语含义:pestle for husking rice, mortar.
    • 镦:箭头的金属部分。字面含义:metal part of an arrowhead. 英语含义:metal base of a spear or arrow.
  2. duī (阴平)

    • 堆:堆积;一堆;量词。字面含义:pile, heap, stack, pile up, heap up, measure word. 英语含义:pile, heap, stack, crowd, mass, pile up, heap up, accumulate, measure word for heaps or piles.
  3. duǐ (上声)

    • 磓:小石。字面含义:small stone, pebble. 英语含义:small stone, pebble.
    • 㙂:义未详。字面含义:meaning not yet clear/explained. 英语含义:meaning unknown/unclear. (注:此字较为生僻,字义不详,按字形推测可能与土地或地方有关,字面理解为字形结构上呈现的含义。)


  1. 全对:全部正确;完全对应。字面含义:completely correct; completely correspond. 汉语字面含义:完全正确;完全对应。 英语字面含义:completely correct; completely corresponding.
  2. 全队:整个队伍;所有队员。字面含义:entire team; all team members. 汉语字面含义:整个队伍;所有队员。 英语字面含义:entire team; all team members.
  3. 全兑:全部兑现。字面含义:to cash out completely; to honor all promises fully. 汉语字面含义:全部兑现;全部履行承诺。 英语字面含义:to fully cash out; to honor all promises.
  4. 全怼:完全怨恨 (字面组合意义,不常用)。字面含义:completely resentful (literal combination meaning, not commonly used). 汉语字面含义:完全怨恨 (字面组合意义,不常用)。 英语字面含义:completely resentful (literal combined meaning, rarely used).
  5. 全碓:全部的舂米工具 (字面组合意义,不常用)。字面含义:all rice husking pestles (literal combination meaning, not commonly used). 汉语字面含义:全部的舂米工具 (字面组合意义,不常用)。 英语字面含义:all rice husking pestles (literal combined meaning, rarely used).
  6. 全镦:全部的箭头金属部分 (字面组合意义,不常用)。字面含义:all arrowhead metal parts (literal combination meaning, not commonly used). 汉语字面含义:全部的箭头金属部分 (字面组合意义,不常用)。 英语字面含义:all arrowhead metal parts (literal combined meaning, rarely used).
  7. 全堆:全部堆积;整个堆。字面含义:to pile up completely; entire pile. 汉语字面含义:全部堆积;整个堆。 英语字面含义:to pile up completely; the whole pile.
  8. 全磓:全部的小石 (字面组合意义,不常用)。字面含义:all small stones/pebbles (literal combination meaning, not commonly used). 汉语字面含义:全部的小石 (字面组合意义,不常用)。 英语字面含义:all small pebbles (literal combined meaning, rarely used).
  9. 全㙂:意义不明的全部 (字面组合意义,不明其义)。字面含义:all of unknown meaning (literal combination meaning, meaning unknown). 汉语字面含义:意义不明的全部 (字面组合意义,不明其义)。 英语字面含义:all of unknown meaning (literal combined meaning, meaning unclear).
  10. 权对:权力对抗;权力对应。字面含义:power confrontation; power correspondence. 汉语字面含义:权力对抗;权力对应。 英语字面含义:power confrontation; power correspondence.
  11. 权队:权力队伍;有权势的队伍。字面含义:power team; team with power/influence. 汉语字面含义:权力队伍;有权势的队伍。 英语字面含义:power team; a team with power or influence.
  12. 权兑:权力兑现 (字面组合意义,可理解为权力被落实)。字面含义:power realization (literal combination meaning, can be understood as power being implemented/realized). 汉语字面含义:权力兑现 (字面组合意义,可理解为权力被落实)。 英语字面含义:power realization (literal combined meaning, can be interpreted as power being implemented).
  13. 权怼:用权力怨恨;权力上的怨恨 (字面组合意义,不常用)。字面含义:to resent with power; resentment in terms of power (literal combination meaning, not commonly used). 汉语字面含义:用权力怨恨;权力上的怨恨 (字面组合意义,不常用)。 英语字面含义:to resent using power; resentment concerning power (literal combined meaning, rarely used).
  14. 权碓:权力的舂米工具 (字面组合意义,非常用,可能比喻权力像碓一样)。字面含义:power's rice husking tool (literal combination meaning, very uncommon, possibly metaphorically comparing power to a rice pestle). 汉语字面含义:权力的舂米工具 (字面组合意义,非常用,可能比喻权力像碓一样)。 英语字面含义:power's rice husking pestle (literal combined meaning, very rarely used, potentially metaphorical comparing power to a pestle).
  15. 权镦:权力之箭头金属部分 (字面组合意义,非常用,可能比喻权力的尖锐部分)。字面含义:power's arrowhead metal part (literal combination meaning, very uncommon, possibly metaphorically referring to the sharp part of power). 汉语字面含义:权力之箭头金属部分 (字面组合意义,非常用,可能比喻权力的尖锐部分)。 英语字面含义:power's arrowhead metal part (literal combined meaning, very rarely used, potentially metaphorical for the sharp or decisive aspect of power).
  16. 权堆:权力堆积;权力成堆。字面含义:power accumulation; power in piles/heaps. 汉语字面含义:权力堆积;权力成堆。 英语字面含义:power accumulation; piles of power.
  17. 权磓:权力的石子 (字面组合意义,非常用,可能比喻微小的权力)。字面含义:power's pebbles (literal combination meaning, very uncommon, possibly metaphorically representing small amounts of power). 汉语字面含义:权力的石子 (字面组合意义,非常用,可能比喻微小的权力)。 英语字面含义:power's pebbles (literal combined meaning, very rarely used, perhaps metaphorical for small powers).
  18. 权㙂:意义不明的权力 (字面组合意义,不明其义)。字面含义:power of unknown meaning (literal combination meaning, meaning unclear). 汉语字面含义:意义不明的权力 (字面组合意义,不明其义)。 英语字面含义:power of unknown meaning (literal combined meaning, meaning unclear).
  19. 泉对:泉水相对;泉源对立 (字面组合意义)。字面含义:spring water facing; spring sources opposing (literal combination meaning). 汉语字面含义:泉水相对;泉源对立 (字面组合意义)。 英语字面含义:spring water facing; opposing spring sources (literal combined meaning).
  20. 泉队:泉水形成的队伍 (字面组合意义)。字面含义:team formed by springs (literal combination meaning). 汉语字面含义:泉水形成的队伍 (字面组合意义)。 英语字面含义:team formed by springs of water (literal combined meaning).
  21. 泉兑:泉水兑换 (字面组合意义)。字面含义:spring water exchange (literal combination meaning). 汉语字面含义:泉水兑换 (字面组合意义)。 英语字面含义:spring water exchange (literal combined meaning).
  22. 泉怼:泉水怨恨 (字面组合意义,拟人化)。字面含义:spring water resents (literal combination meaning, personification). 汉语字面含义:泉水怨恨 (字面组合意义,拟人化)。 英语字面含义:spring water resents (literal combined meaning, personification).
  23. 泉碓:泉水旁的舂米工具 (字面组合意义,地理位置描述)。字面含义:rice husking pestle beside a spring (literal combination meaning, geographical location description). 汉语字面含义:泉水旁的舂米工具 (字面组合意义,地理位置描述)。 英语字面含义:rice husking pestle beside a spring (literal combined meaning, geographical location description).
  24. 泉镦:泉水边的箭头金属部分 (字面组合意义,地理位置描述)。字面含义:arrowhead metal part by a spring (literal combination meaning, geographical location description). 汉语字面含义:泉水边的箭头金属部分 (字面组合意义,地理位置描述)。 英语字面含义:arrowhead metal part by a spring (literal combined meaning, geographical location description).
  25. 泉堆:泉水堆积;泉源成堆。字面含义:spring water piled up; spring sources in piles. 汉语字面含义:泉水堆积;泉源成堆。 英语字面含义:spring water piled up; heaps of spring sources.
  26. 泉磓:泉水边的小石子 (字面组合意义,地理位置描述)。字面含义:small stones/pebbles by a spring (literal combination meaning, geographical location description). 汉语字面含义:泉水边的小石子 (字面组合意义,地理位置描述)。 英语字面含义:small pebbles by a spring (literal combined meaning, geographical location description).
  27. 泉㙂:意义不明的泉水 (字面组合意义,不明其义)。字面含义:spring water of unknown meaning (literal combination meaning, meaning unclear). 汉语字面含义:意义不明的泉水 (字面组合意义,不明其义)。 英语字面含义:spring water of unknown meaning (literal combined meaning, meaning unclear).
  28. 痊对:病愈后面对;痊愈后对待。字面含义:facing after recovery; treating after recovery. 汉语字面含义:病愈后面对;痊愈后对待。 英语字面含义:facing after recovery from illness; treating after recovery.
  29. 痊队:痊愈的队伍;康复中的队伍。字面含义:recovered team; recovering team. 汉语字面含义:痊愈的队伍;康复中的队伍。 英语字面含义:recovered team; team in recovery.
  30. 痊兑:痊愈兑现;康复兑现 (字面组合意义,例如康复承诺兑现)。字面含义:recovery realization; recovery honor (literal combination meaning, e.g., honoring a recovery promise). 汉语字面含义:痊愈兑现;康复兑现 (字面组合意义,例如康复承诺兑现)。 英语字面含义:recovery realization; fulfilling recovery promises (literal combined meaning, e.g., honoring promises made during recovery).
  31. 痊怼:痊愈后怨恨 (字面组合意义)。字面含义:resentment after recovery (literal combination meaning). 汉语字面含义:痊愈后怨恨 (字面组合意义)。 英语字面含义:resentment after recovery (literal combined meaning).
  32. 痊碓:痊愈后的舂米工具 (字面组合意义)。字面含义:rice husking pestle after recovery (literal combination meaning). 汉语字面含义:痊愈后的舂米工具 (字面组合意义)。 英语字面含义:rice husking pestle after recovery (literal combined meaning).
  33. 痊镦:痊愈后的箭头金属部分 (字面组合意义)。字面含义:arrowhead metal part after recovery (literal combination meaning). 汉语字面含义:痊愈后的箭头金属部分 (字面组合意义)。 英语字面含义:arrowhead metal part after recovery (literal combined meaning).
  34. 痊堆:痊愈后堆积;康复后堆放。字面含义:piled up after recovery; stacked after convalescence. 汉语字面含义:痊愈后堆积;康复后堆放。 英语字面含义:piled up after recovery; stacked after convalescence.
  35. 痊磓:痊愈后的小石子 (字面组合意义)。字面含义:small stones/pebbles after recovery (literal combination meaning). 汉语字面含义:痊愈后的小石子 (字面组合意义)。 英语字面含义:small pebbles after recovery (literal combined meaning).
  36. 痊㙂:意义不明的痊愈 (字面组合意义,不明其义)。字面含义:recovery of unknown meaning (literal combination meaning, meaning unclear). 汉语字面含义:意义不明的痊愈 (字面组合意义,不明其义)。 英语字面含义:recovery of unknown meaning (literal combined meaning, meaning unclear).
  37. 诠对:诠释相对;解释对待。字面含义:interpretations facing; explaining and treating. 汉语字面含义:诠释相对;解释对待。 英语字面含义:interpretations facing each other; to interpret and treat (something).
  38. 诠队:诠释队伍;解释的团队。字面含义:interpretation team; team of explanation. 汉语字面含义:诠释队伍;解释的团队。 英语字面含义:interpretation team; a group focused on explanation.
  39. 诠兑:诠释兑现;解释落实 (字面组合意义,如解释承诺得以落实)。字面含义:interpretation realization; explanation implementation (literal combination meaning, e.g., explanation promise implemented). 汉语字面含义:诠释兑现;解释落实 (字面组合意义,如解释承诺得以落实)。 英语字面含义:interpretation realization; explanation implementation (literal combined meaning, for example, promises explained are implemented).
  40. 诠怼:诠释怨恨;解释引起的怨恨 (字面组合意义)。字面含义:interpretation resentment; resentment caused by explanation (literal combination meaning). 汉语字面含义:诠释怨恨;解释引起的怨恨 (字面组合意义)。 英语字面含义:resentment of interpretation; resentment arising from interpretation (literal combined meaning).
  41. 诠碓:诠释用的舂米工具 (字面组合意义,非常用,比喻可能难以理解的解释方式)。字面含义:rice husking pestle used for interpretation (literal combination meaning, very uncommon, metaphorically might imply an obscure method of explanation). 汉语字面含义:诠释用的舂米工具 (字面组合意义,非常用,比喻可能难以理解的解释方式)。 英语字面含义:rice husking pestle used for interpretation (literal combined meaning, rarely used, possibly a metaphor for an obscure way of explaining).
  42. 诠镦:诠释之箭头金属部分 (字面组合意义,非常用,比喻解释的关键部分)。字面含义:interpretation's arrowhead metal part (literal combination meaning, very uncommon, metaphorically may represent the crucial point of explanation). 汉语字面含义:诠释之箭头金属部分 (字面组合意义,非常用,比喻解释的关键部分)。 英语字面含义:interpretation's arrowhead metal part (literal combined meaning, very rarely used, potentially a metaphor for the key or pointed element of an interpretation).
  43. 诠堆:诠释堆积;解释成堆。字面含义:interpretation accumulation; explanations in piles. 汉语字面含义:诠释堆积;解释成堆。 英语字面含义:accumulation of interpretations; piles of explanations.
  44. 诠磓:诠释的小石子 (字面组合意义,非常用,可能比喻细小的解释片段)。字面含义:small stones/pebbles of interpretation (literal combination meaning, very uncommon, possibly metaphorically representing small pieces of explanation). 汉语字面含义:诠释的小石子 (字面组合意义,非常用,可能比喻细小的解释片段)。 英语字面含义:pebbles of interpretation (literal combined meaning, rarely used, perhaps a metaphor for small parts of explanations).
  45. 诠㙂:意义不明的诠释 (字面组合意义,不明其义)。字面含义:interpretation of unknown meaning (literal combination meaning, meaning unclear). 汉语字面含义:意义不明的诠释 (字面组合意义,不明其义)。 英语字面含义:interpretation of unknown meaning (literal combined meaning, meaning unclear).
  46. 荃对:荃草相对 (字面组合意义)。字面含义:fragrant herbs facing each other (literal combination meaning). 汉语字面含义:荃草相对 (字面组合意义)。 英语字面含义:fragrant herbs facing each other (literal combined meaning).
  47. 荃队:荃草组成的队伍 (字面组合意义)。字面含义:team formed by fragrant herbs (literal combination meaning). 汉语字面含义:荃草组成的队伍 (字面组合意义)。 英语字面含义:team made of fragrant herbs (literal combined meaning).
  48. 荃兑:荃草兑换 (字面组合意义)。字面含义:fragrant herb exchange (literal combination meaning). 汉语字面含义:荃草兑换 (字面组合意义)。 英语字面含义:fragrant herb exchange (literal combined meaning).
  49. 荃怼:荃草怨恨 (字面组合意义,拟人化)。字面含义:fragrant herb resents (literal combination meaning, personification). 汉语字面含义:荃草怨恨 (字面组合意义,拟人化)。 英语字面含义:fragrant herb resents (literal combined meaning, personification).
  50. 荃碓:荃草旁的舂米工具 (字面组合意义,地理位置描述)。字面含义:rice husking pestle beside fragrant herbs (literal combination meaning, geographical location description). 汉语字面含义:荃草旁的舂米工具 (字面组合意义,地理位置描述)。 英语字面含义:rice husking pestle next to fragrant herbs (literal combined meaning, location description).
  51. 荃镦:荃草边的箭头金属部分 (字面组合意义,地理位置描述)。字面含义:arrowhead metal part by fragrant herbs (literal combination meaning, geographical location description). 汉语字面含义:荃草边的箭头金属部分 (字面组合意义,地理位置描述)。 英语字面含义:arrowhead metal part by fragrant herbs (literal combined meaning, location description).
  52. 荃堆:荃草堆积;香草成堆。字面含义:fragrant herbs piled up; heaps of fragrant herbs. 汉语字面含义:荃草堆积;香草成堆。 英语字面含义:piles of fragrant herbs; fragrant herbs heaped up.
  53. 荃磓:荃草旁的小石子 (字面组合意义,地理位置描述)。字面含义:small stones/pebbles beside fragrant herbs (literal combination meaning, geographical location description). 汉语字面含义:荃草旁的小石子 (字面组合意义,地理位置描述)。 英语字面含义:pebbles near fragrant herbs (literal combined meaning, location description).
  54. 荃㙂:意义不明的荃草 (字面组合意义,不明其义)。字面含义:fragrant herb of unknown meaning (literal combination meaning, meaning unclear). 汉语字面含义:意义不明的荃草 (字面组合意义,不明其义)。 英语字面含义:fragrant herb of unknown meaning (literal combined meaning, meaning unclear).
  55. 颧对:颧骨相对。字面含义:cheekbones facing each other. 汉语字面含义:颧骨相对。 英语字面含义:cheekbones facing each other.
  56. 颧队:颧骨队伍 (字面组合意义,可能指面部特征相似的人群)。字面含义:cheekbone team (literal combination meaning, possibly referring to a group with similar facial features). 汉语字面含义:颧骨队伍 (字面组合意义,可能指面部特征相似的人群)。 英语字面含义:cheekbone team (literal combined meaning, might refer to a group with similar facial structures).
  57. 颧兑:颧骨兑换 (字面组合意义,生物学上可能指器官交换)。字面含义:cheekbone exchange (literal combination meaning, biologically possibly refers to organ exchange). 汉语字面含义:颧骨兑换 (字面组合意义,生物学上可能指器官交换)。 英语字面含义:cheekbone exchange (literal combined meaning, in a biological context possibly referring to organ exchange).
  58. 颧怼:颧骨怨恨 (字面组合意义,拟人化)。字面含义:cheekbone resents (literal combination meaning, personification). 汉语字面含义:颧骨怨恨 (字面组合意义,拟人化)。 英语字面含义:cheekbone resents (literal combined meaning, personification).
  59. 颧碓:颧骨旁的舂米工具 (字面组合意义,地理位置描述)。字面含义:rice husking pestle beside cheekbone (literal combination meaning, geographical location description, anatomically nonsensical but as location concept)。 汉语字面含义:颧骨旁的舂米工具 (字面组合意义,地理位置描述)。 英语字面含义:rice husking pestle beside cheekbone (literal combined meaning, geographically nonsensical when referring to actual cheekbone but as a concept of "beside a mound resembling a cheekbone").
  60. 颧镦:颧骨边的箭头金属部分 (字面组合意义,地理位置描述,可能比喻面部特征如同箭头般尖锐)。字面含义:arrowhead metal part by cheekbone (literal combination meaning, geographical location description, may metaphorically refer to a sharp facial feature like cheekbone). 汉语字面含义:颧骨边的箭头金属部分 (字面组合意义,地理位置描述,可能比喻面部特征如同箭头般尖锐)。 英语字面含义:arrowhead metal part near the cheekbone (literal combined meaning, in terms of location, possibly metaphorical if describing a pointed or prominent facial feature resembling an arrowhead near cheekbone).
  61. 颧堆:颧骨堆积;颧骨成堆 (字面组合意义,病理或夸张描述)。字面含义:cheekbone accumulation; cheekbones in heaps (literal combination meaning, pathological or exaggerated description). 汉语字面含义:颧骨堆积;颧骨成堆 (字面组合意义,病理或夸张描述)。 英语字面含义:cheekbone accumulation; heaps of cheekbones (literal combined meaning, could be pathological context or exaggeration).
  62. 颧磓:颧骨上的小石子 (字面组合意义,不常用,可能指面部装饰)。字面含义:small stones/pebbles on cheekbone (literal combination meaning, uncommon, possibly referring to facial decorations). 汉语字面含义:颧骨上的小石子 (字面组合意义,不常用,可能指面部装饰)。 英语字面含义:small pebbles on the cheekbone (literal combined meaning, not common, perhaps facial adornment).
  63. 颧㙂:意义不明的颧骨 (字面组合意义,不明其义)。字面含义:cheekbone of unknown meaning (literal combination meaning, meaning unclear). 汉语字面含义:意义不明的颧骨 (字面组合意义,不明其义)。 英语字面含义:cheekbone of unknown meaning (literal combined meaning, meaning unclear).
  64. 拳对:拳头相对;拳术对抗。字面含义:fists facing each other; martial arts confrontation. 汉语字面含义:拳头相对;拳术对抗。 英语字面含义:fists facing each other; martial arts combat.
  65. 拳队:拳术队伍;拳击队。字面含义:boxing team; martial arts team. 汉语字面含义:拳术队伍;拳击队。 英语字面含义:boxing team; martial arts team.
  66. 拳兑:拳头兑换 (字面组合意义,可能指交易以拳头决定)。字面含义:fist exchange (literal combination meaning, possibly referring to decisions or trades determined by fists). 汉语字面含义:拳头兑换 (字面组合意义,可能指交易以拳头决定)。 英语字面含义:fist exchange (literal combined meaning, perhaps implies transactions decided by force or physical prowess).
  67. 拳怼:用拳头怨恨;拳头中的怨恨 (字面组合意义)。字面含义:resentment with fists; resentment within fists (literal combination meaning). 汉语字面含义:用拳头怨恨;拳头中的怨恨 (字面组合意义)。 英语字面含义:resentment expressed through fists; resentment contained in fists (literal combined meaning).
  68. 拳碓:拳头旁边的舂米工具 (字面组合意义)。字面含义:rice husking pestle beside fist (literal combination meaning). 汉语字面含义:拳头旁边的舂米工具 (字面组合意义)。 英语字面含义:rice husking pestle near the fist (literal combined meaning).
  69. 拳镦:拳头边的箭头金属部分 (字面组合意义,可能指武器与拳头的结合)。字面含义:arrowhead metal part by fist (literal combination meaning, may refer to a weapon combined with fist-fighting). 汉语字面含义:拳头边的箭头金属部分 (字面组合意义,可能指武器与拳头的结合)。 英语字面含义:arrowhead metal part by the fist (literal combined meaning, possibly referring to weapons combined with fist-fighting techniques).
  70. 拳堆:拳头堆积;拳头成堆 (字面组合意义,形容很多拳头,可能指人群情激愤)。字面含义:fist accumulation; heaps of fists (literal combination meaning, describes many fists, possibly indicating a crowd's anger or agitation). 汉语字面含义:拳头堆积;拳头成堆 (字面组合意义,形容很多拳头,可能指人群情激愤)。 英语字面含义:piles of fists; accumulation of fists (literal combined meaning, describing a large number of fists, perhaps in an angry crowd).
  71. 拳磓:拳头大小的石子 (字面组合意义,形容石子很小但有分量)。字面含义:fist-sized pebbles (literal combination meaning, describing pebbles that are small but solid/weighty like fists). 汉语字面含义:拳头大小的石子 (字面组合意义,形容石子很小但有分量)。 英语字面含义:fist-sized pebbles (literal combined meaning, describes small yet substantial pebbles, like the size and solidity of fists).
  72. 拳㙂:意义不明的拳头 (字面组合意义,不明其义)。字面含义:fist of unknown meaning (literal combination meaning, meaning unclear). 汉语字面含义:意义不明的拳头 (字面组合意义,不明其义)。 英语字面含义:fist of unknown meaning (literal combined meaning, meaning unclear).
  73. 牷对:牷牲相对 (字面组合意义,祭祀仪式场景)。字面含义:pure-colored sacrificial animals facing each other (literal combination meaning, sacrificial ritual scene). 汉语字面含义:牷牲相对 (字面组合意义,祭祀仪式场景)。 英语字面含义:pure-colored sacrificial animals facing each other (literal combined meaning, depicts a scene from an ancient ritual).
  74. 牷队:牷牲队伍 (字面组合意义,祭祀队列)。字面含义:pure-colored sacrificial animal team/procession (literal combination meaning, sacrificial procession). 汉语字面含义:牷牲队伍 (字面组合意义,祭祀队列)。 英语字面含义:procession of pure-colored sacrificial animals (literal combined meaning, representing a sacrificial line).
  75. 牷兑:牷牲兑换 (字面组合意义,古代祭祀中的牲畜交换)。字面含义:pure-colored sacrificial animal exchange (literal combination meaning, animal exchange in ancient sacrifices). 汉语字面含义:牷牲兑换 (字面组合意义,古代祭祀中的牲畜交换)。 英语字面含义:exchange of pure-colored sacrificial animals (literal combined meaning, could imply a transaction in ancient sacrificial practices).
  76. 牷怼:对牷牲怨恨 (字面组合意义,可能对祭祀不满)。字面含义:resentment towards pure-colored sacrificial animals (literal combination meaning, possibly discontent with sacrifice). 汉语字面含义:对牷牲怨恨 (字面组合意义,可能对祭祀不满)。 英语字面含义:resentment against sacrificial animals (literal combined meaning, might suggest opposition or displeasure toward sacrifices).
  77. 牷碓:牷牲旁的舂米工具 (字面组合意义,祭祀地点附近的生活场景)。字面含义:rice husking pestle beside pure-colored sacrificial animals (literal combination meaning, everyday scene near a sacrificial site). 汉语字面含义:牷牲旁的舂米工具 (字面组合意义,祭祀地点附近的生活场景)。 英语字面含义:rice husking pestle near the sacrificial animals (literal combined meaning, depicts daily life adjacent to or interacting with sacrificial rites location).
  78. 牷镦:牷牲边的箭头金属部分 (字面组合意义,祭祀用品或者祭祀与武器相关场景)。字面含义:arrowhead metal part by pure-colored sacrificial animals (literal combination meaning, sacrificial objects or sacrificial and weapon-related scene). 汉语字面含义:牷牲边的箭头金属部分 (字面组合意义,祭祀用品或者祭祀与武器相关场景)。 英语字面含义:arrowhead metal part near the sacrificial animals (literal combined meaning, indicating sacrificial items possibly combined with weaponry elements within a ritual).
  79. 牷堆:牷牲堆积 (字面组合意义,形容祭祀牲畜数量多)。字面含义:pure-colored sacrificial animal accumulation/heap (literal combination meaning, describes large number of sacrificial animals). 汉语字面含义:牷牲堆积 (字面组合意义,形容祭祀牲畜数量多)。 英语字面含义:heap of sacrificial animals (literal combined meaning, suggesting abundance of sacrifices offered).
  80. 牷磓:牷牲旁的小石子 (字面组合意义,祭祀场地的小物件)。字面含义:small stones/pebbles beside pure-colored sacrificial animals (literal combination meaning, small objects at the sacrificial site). 汉语字面含义:牷牲旁的小石子 (字面组合意义,祭祀场地的小物件)。 英语字面含义:pebbles around sacrificial animals (literal combined meaning, small items related to the place of ritual).
  81. 牷㙂:意义不明的牷牲 (字面组合意义,不明其义)。字面含义:pure-colored sacrificial animal of unknown meaning (literal combination meaning, meaning unclear). 汉语字面含义:意义不明的牷牲 (字面组合意义,不明其义)。 英语字面含义:sacrificial animal of unknown meaning (literal combined meaning, meaning unclear).
  82. 犬对:犬类相对;狗对着。字面含义:dogs facing each other; dog facing. 汉语字面含义:犬类相对;狗对着。 英语字面含义:dogs facing each other; a dog facing something.
  83. 犬队:犬的队伍;狗群。字面含义:dog team; pack of dogs. 汉语字面含义:犬的队伍;狗群。 英语字面含义:dog team; group of dogs.
  84. 犬兑:犬的兑换;狗的交换 (字面组合意义)。字面含义:dog exchange (literal combination meaning). 汉语字面含义:犬的兑换;狗的交换 (字面组合意义)。 英语字面含义:dog exchange (literal combined meaning, perhaps trade or swap of dogs).
  85. 犬怼:犬的怨恨;狗的敌意 (字面组合意义,拟人化)。字面含义:dog's resentment; dog's hostility (literal combination meaning, personification). 汉语字面含义:犬的怨恨;狗的敌意 (字面组合意义,拟人化)。 英语字面含义:dog's resentment; canine hostility (literal combined meaning, personified actions).
  86. 犬碓:犬旁的舂米工具;狗旁边的碓 (字面组合意义,乡村生活场景)。字面含义:rice husking pestle beside a dog (literal combination meaning, rural life scene). 汉语字面含义:犬旁的舂米工具;狗旁边的碓 (字面组合意义,乡村生活场景)。 英语字面含义:rice husking tool next to a dog (literal combined meaning, rural setting).
  87. 犬镦:犬边的箭头金属部分;狗旁的箭头 (字面组合意义,猎犬或者战争场景)。字面含义:arrowhead metal part by a dog (literal combination meaning, hunting dog or warfare scene). 汉语字面含义:犬边的箭头金属部分;狗旁的箭头 (字面组合意义,猎犬或者战争场景)。 英语字面含义:arrowhead metal part near a dog (literal combined meaning, maybe indicating hunting dogs with arrows or war dogs with weapon parts).
  88. 犬堆:犬堆;狗堆 (字面组合意义,指很多狗聚集在一起)。字面含义:dog pile/heap (literal combination meaning, referring to many dogs gathered together). 汉语字面含义:犬堆;狗堆 (字面组合意义,指很多狗聚集在一起)。 英语字面含义:dog pile (literal combined meaning, lots of dogs grouped together).
  89. 犬磓:犬旁的小石子;狗旁边的小石头 (字面组合意义)。字面含义:small stones/pebbles beside a dog (literal combination meaning). 汉语字面含义:犬旁的小石子;狗旁边的小石头 (字面组合意义)。 英语字面含义:pebbles beside a dog (literal combined meaning, just rocks near a dog).
  90. 犬㙂:意义不明的犬;意义不明的狗 (字面组合意义,不明其义)。字面含义:dog of unknown meaning (literal combination meaning, meaning unclear). 汉语字面含义:意义不明的犬;意义不明的狗 (字面组合意义,不明其义)。 英语字面含义:dog of unknown meaning (literal combined meaning, unclear).
  91. 绻对:弯曲相对。字面含义:curved facing each other. 汉语字面含义:弯曲相对。 英语字面含义:bent and facing each other.
  92. 绻队:弯曲的队伍。字面含义:curved team/line. 汉语字面含义:弯曲的队伍。 英语字面含义:curved team; line that is bent.
  93. 绻兑:弯曲的兑换 (字面组合意义,可能指弯曲状态下的交换)。字面含义:curved exchange (literal combination meaning, possibly exchange in a curved or indirect way). 汉语字面含义:弯曲的兑换 (字面组合意义,可能指弯曲状态下的交换)。 英语字面含义:exchange while bent or in a curved form (literal combined meaning, implies an indirect or less straightforward swap).
  94. 绻怼:弯曲的怨恨 (字面组合意义,指内心曲折的怨恨)。字面含义:curved resentment (literal combination meaning, referring to resentment that is complex or not straightforward). 汉语字面含义:弯曲的怨恨 (字面组合意义,指内心曲折的怨恨)。 英语字面含义:twisted resentment (literal combined meaning, implying complex or deeply felt resentment).
  95. 绻碓:弯曲旁的舂米工具 (字面组合意义,地理位置描述或物体形状描述)。字面含义:rice husking pestle beside something curved (literal combination meaning, geographical location or shape description). 汉语字面含义:弯曲旁的舂米工具 (字面组合意义,地理位置描述或物体形状描述)。 英语字面含义:rice husking tool next to a curve or bend (literal combined meaning, description of location or shape relationship).
  96. 绻镦:弯曲边的箭头金属部分 (字面组合意义,可能指箭头是弯曲的或者地理位置是弯曲的)。字面含义:arrowhead metal part by something curved (literal combination meaning, might mean the arrowhead is curved or the location is curved). 汉语字面含义:弯曲边的箭头金属部分 (字面组合意义,可能指箭头是弯曲的或者地理位置是弯曲的)。 英语字面含义:arrowhead metal part by a curve (literal combined meaning, possibly means a curved arrowhead or arrowhead located near a curve).
  97. 绻堆:弯曲堆积。字面含义:curved pile up/heap. 汉语字面含义:弯曲堆积。 英语字面含义:curved accumulation; pile in a curved manner.
  98. 绻磓:弯曲的小石子 (字面组合意义,指形状弯曲的小石头)。字面含义:curved small stones/pebbles (literal combination meaning, referring to small stones with curved shapes). 汉语字面含义:弯曲的小石子 (字面组合意义,指形状弯曲的小石头)。 英语字面含义:curved pebbles (literal combined meaning, pebbles that are bent or curved).
  99. 绻㙂:意义不明的弯曲 (字面组合意义,不明其义)。字面含义:curvature of unknown meaning (literal combination meaning, meaning unclear). 汉语字面含义:意义不明的弯曲 (字面组合意义,不明其义)。 英语字面含义:curvature of unknown meaning (literal combined meaning, meaning unclear).
  100. 畎对:田沟相对。字面含义:field ditches facing each other. 汉语字面含义:田沟相对。 英语字面含义:furrows facing each other.
  101. 畎队:田沟组成的队伍;田埂队伍。字面含义:field ditch team/line; field ridge team. 汉语字面含义:田沟组成的队伍;田埂队伍。 英语字面含义:furrow team; line formed by furrows.
  102. 畎兑:田沟兑换 (字面组合意义,土地交换或沟渠管理)。字面含义:field ditch exchange (literal combination meaning, land exchange or ditch management). 汉语字面含义:田沟兑换 (字面组合意义,土地交换或沟渠管理)。 英语字面含义:furrow exchange (literal combined meaning, land exchange or farm ditch management).
  103. 畎怼:对田沟怨恨;因田沟而怨恨 (字面组合意义)。字面含义:resentment towards field ditches; resentment because of field ditches (literal combination meaning). 汉语字面含义:对田沟怨恨;因田沟而怨恨 (字面组合意义)。 英语字面含义:resentment directed at furrows; resentment stemming from furrows (literal combined meaning).
  104. 畎碓:田沟旁的舂米工具 (字面组合意义,农村场景)。字面含义:rice husking pestle beside field ditches (literal combination meaning, rural scene). 汉语字面含义:田沟旁的舂米工具 (字面组合意义,农村场景)。 英语字面含义:rice husking tool beside field ditches (literal combined meaning, rural context).
  105. 畎镦:田沟边的箭头金属部分 (字面组合意义,农田附近战争或狩猎场景)。字面含义:arrowhead metal part by field ditches (literal combination meaning, war or hunting scene near farmland). 汉语字面含义:田沟边的箭头金属部分 (字面组合意义,农田附近战争或狩猎场景)。 英语字面含义:arrowhead metal part by field furrows (literal combined meaning, warfare or hunting scenario near farmland).
  106. 畎堆:田沟土堆;田间小土堆。字面含义:field ditch earth pile; small earth pile in a field. 汉语字面含义:田沟土堆;田间小土堆。 英语字面含义:furrow soil heap; small earth mound in a field.
  107. 畎磓:田沟里的小石子。字面含义:small stones/pebbles in field ditches. 汉语字面含义:田沟里的小石子。 英语字面含义:pebbles within furrows.
  108. 畎㙂:意义不明的田沟 (字面组合意义,不明其义)。字面含义:field ditch of unknown meaning (literal combination meaning, meaning unclear). 汉语字面含义:意义不明的田沟 (字面组合意义,不明其义)。 英语字面含义:furrow of unknown meaning (literal combined meaning, meaning unclear).
  109. 泫对:泫然相对;泪眼相对。字面含义:tearfully facing each other; tearful eyes facing. 汉语字面含义:泫然相对;泪眼相对。 英语字面含义:with tear-filled eyes facing each other; facing each other in tears.
  110. 泫队:泫然成队;泪眼队伍 (字面组合意义,形容哭泣的队伍)。字面含义:tearful team; team with tearful eyes (literal combination meaning, describes a crying group). 汉语字面含义:泫然成队;泪眼队伍 (字面组合意义,形容哭泣的队伍)。 英语字面含义:tearful group; a line of weeping people (literal combined meaning, portrays a line of people in tears).
  111. 泫兑:泫然兑现;泪眼交换 (字面组合意义,可能指悲伤中的交换或承诺)。字面含义:tearfully exchange/realize; tearful eyes exchanging (literal combination meaning, possibly exchange or promise within sadness). 汉语字面含义:泫然兑现;泪眼交换 (字面组合意义,可能指悲伤中的交换或承诺)。 英语字面含义:tearful exchange; exchange amidst tears (literal combined meaning, may refer to a deal or promise in a sorrowful context).
  112. 泫怼:泫然怨怼;泪眼怨恨 (字面组合意义,悲伤中的怨恨)。字面含义:tearful resentment; resentful with tearful eyes (literal combination meaning, resentment within sadness). 汉语字面含义:泫然怨怼;泪眼怨恨 (字面组合意义,悲伤中的怨恨)。 英语字面含义:resentment with teary eyes; sadness and resentment together (literal combined meaning, bitterness mixed with sadness).
  113. 泫碓:泫然旁的舂米工具;泪眼旁边的碓 (字面组合意义,可能指悲伤场景下的日常劳作)。字面含义:rice husking pestle beside tearful (eyes); rice pestle near weeping (literal combination meaning, might indicate daily labor during sadness). 汉语字面含义:泫然旁的舂米工具;泪眼旁边的碓 (字面组合意义,可能指悲伤场景下的日常劳作)。 英语字面含义:rice husking tool near tears; tool in a weeping context (literal combined meaning, could describe mundane tasks performed in times of sorrow).
  114. 泫镦:泫然边的箭头金属部分;泪眼边的箭头 (字面组合意义,可能指悲伤中的武器,战争或悲剧)。字面含义:arrowhead metal part by tearful (eyes); arrowhead near weeping eyes (literal combination meaning, may refer to weapons in sadness, war, or tragedy). 汉语字面含义:泫然边的箭头金属部分;泪眼边的箭头 (字面组合意义,可能指悲伤中的武器,战争或悲剧)。 英语字面含义:arrowhead metal part near weeping eyes (literal combined meaning, suggests weapons amidst sadness, perhaps war or a tragic event).
  115. 泫堆:泫然堆积;泪水堆积 (字面组合意义,形容泪水很多)。字面含义:tearful accumulation/heap; heap of tears (literal combination meaning, describes many tears). 汉语字面含义:泫然堆积;泪水堆积 (字面组合意义,形容泪水很多)。 英语字面含义:tear heap; a lot of tears accumulated (literal combined meaning, representing a large amount of tears).
  116. 泫磓:泫然的小石子;泪眼看到的小石子 (字面组合意义,可能指视线模糊中看到的小物件)。字面含义:tearful small stones/pebbles; small stones seen through tearful eyes (literal combination meaning, possibly referring to small objects seen blurry in tears). 汉语字面含义:泫然的小石子;泪眼看到的小石子 (字面组合意义,可能指视线模糊中看到的小物件)。 英语字面含义:tear-drenched pebbles; small stones seen in tears (literal combined meaning, objects barely visible through blurry vision due to crying).
  117. 泫㙂:意义不明的泫然;意义不明的泪眼 (字面组合意义,不明其义)。字面含义:tearful appearance of unknown meaning (literal combination meaning, meaning unclear). 汉语字面含义:意义不明的泫然;意义不明的泪眼 (字面组合意义,不明其义)。 英语字面含义:tearful look of unknown meaning (literal combined meaning, meaning unclear).
  118. 劝对:劝说对方;劝导对待。字面含义:persuade the other side; advise to treat. 汉语字面含义:劝说对方;劝导对待。 英语字面含义:persuade the opposing party; advise how to treat something.
  119. 劝队:劝说的队伍;劝导团队。字面含义:persuading team; advisory team. 汉语字面含义:劝说的队伍;劝导团队。 英语字面含义:team that persuades; a group offering advice.
  120. 劝兑:劝说兑现;劝导实现 (字面组合意义,例如劝说后承诺得以实现)。字面含义:persuasion realization; advisory implementation (literal combination meaning, e.g., promise fulfilled after persuasion). 汉语字面含义:劝说兑现;劝导实现 (字面组合意义,例如劝说后承诺得以实现)。 英语字面含义:persuasion realization; implementing after persuasion (literal combined meaning, like realizing promises or actions advised by persuasion).
  121. 劝怼:劝说引起的怨恨;劝导反而怨恨 (字面组合意义)。字面含义:resentment caused by persuasion; resentment despite persuasion (literal combination meaning). 汉语字面含义:劝说引起的怨恨;劝导反而怨恨 (字面组合意义)。 英语字面含义:resentment due to persuasion; becoming resentful despite advice (literal combined meaning).
  122. 劝碓:劝说用的舂米工具 (字面组合意义,比喻用温和方式如同舂米一样劝说)。字面含义:rice husking pestle used for persuasion (literal combination meaning, metaphorically persuading in a gentle, repetitive manner like husking rice). 汉语字面含义:劝说用的舂米工具 (字面组合意义,比喻用温和方式如同舂米一样劝说)。 英语字面含义:rice husking tool used for persuasion (literal combined meaning, metaphor for using a gentle yet persistent method of persuasion).
  123. 劝镦:劝说之箭头金属部分 (字面组合意义,比喻劝说的关键点或锐利之处)。字面含义:persuasion's arrowhead metal part (literal combination meaning, metaphorically the crucial point or sharp edge of persuasion). 汉语字面含义:劝说之箭头金属部分 (字面组合意义,比喻劝说的关键点或锐利之处)。 英语字面含义:arrowhead point of persuasion (literal combined meaning, metaphorically referring to the key element or sharpness of a persuasive argument).
  124. 劝堆:劝说堆积;劝导成堆 (字面组合意义,可能指很多劝说)。字面含义:persuasion accumulation/heap; heap of advice (literal combination meaning, might refer to numerous pieces of persuasion). 汉语字面含义:劝说堆积;劝导成堆 (字面组合意义,可能指很多劝说)。 英语字面含义:pile of persuasion; a lot of advice stacked up (literal combined meaning, perhaps many attempts at persuasion or many pieces of advice).
  125. 劝磓:劝说用的小石子 (字面组合意义,比喻用细小的方法劝说)。字面含义:small stones/pebbles for persuasion (literal combination meaning, metaphor for using subtle methods for persuasion). 汉语字面含义:劝说用的小石子 (字面组合意义,比喻用细小的方法劝说)。 英语字面含义:pebbles for persuasion; subtle persuasive tactics (literal combined meaning, possibly metaphor for subtle methods of persuasion).
  126. 劝㙂:意义不明的劝说 (字面组合意义,不明其义)。字面含义:persuasion of unknown meaning (literal combination meaning, meaning unclear). 汉语字面含义:意义不明的劝说 (字面组合意义,不明其义)。 英语字面含义:persuasion of unknown meaning (literal combined meaning, meaning unclear).
  127. 券对:券票对应;凭证核对。字面含义:voucher corresponding; certificate verification. 汉语字面含义:券票对应;凭证核对。 英语字面含义:voucher match; verifying certificates.
  128. 券队:券票队伍;凭证团队 (字面组合意义,例如管理票据的团队)。字面含义:voucher team; certificate team (literal combination meaning, e.g., team managing tickets or vouchers). 汉语字面含义:券票队伍;凭证团队 (字面组合意义,例如管理票据的团队)。 英语字面含义:voucher management team; certificate handling group (literal combined meaning, for instance, a team responsible for tickets or vouchers).
  129. 券兑:券票兑换;凭证兑现。字面含义:voucher exchange; certificate redemption. 汉语字面含义:券票兑换;凭证兑现。 英语字面含义:voucher exchange; certificate redemption.
  130. 券怼:对券不满;因票据而怨恨 (字面组合意义)。字面含义:dissatisfaction with vouchers; resentment because of tickets (literal combination meaning). 汉语字面含义:对券不满;因票据而怨恨 (字面组合意义)。 英语字面含义:dissatisfied with vouchers; resentful about tickets or certificates (literal combined meaning).
  131. 券碓:券票旁的舂米工具 (字面组合意义,不常见组合,可能指在发行票据的地方舂米)。字面含义:rice husking pestle beside vouchers (literal combination meaning, unusual combination, possibly rice husking at a ticket issuing place). 汉语字面含义:券票旁的舂米工具 (字面组合意义,不常见组合,可能指在发行票据的地方舂米)。 英语字面含义:rice husking tool near vouchers (literal combined meaning, a less common combination, perhaps husking rice in an area dealing with vouchers or tickets).
  132. 券镦:券票边的箭头金属部分 (字面组合意义,不常见组合,可能指票据与武器的关联,如兵票)。字面含义:arrowhead metal part by vouchers (literal combination meaning, uncommon combination, possibly ticket and weapon relation, e.g., military ticket). 汉语字面含义:券票边的箭头金属部分 (字面组合意义,不常见组合,可能指票据与武器的关联,如兵票)。 英语字面含义:arrowhead metal part near vouchers (literal combined meaning, an uncommon pair, maybe ticket related to weaponry or soldiers' rations tickets).
  133. 券堆:券票堆积;凭证成堆 (字面组合意义,指很多票据凭证)。字面含义:voucher accumulation/heap; heap of certificates (literal combination meaning, referring to many tickets or certificates). 汉语字面含义:券票堆积;凭证成堆 (字面组合意义,指很多票据凭证)。 英语字面含义:voucher pile; lots of certificates heaped together (literal combined meaning, describing a large amount of vouchers or certificates).
  134. 券磓:券票旁的小石子 (字面组合意义,可能指票据上或旁边的小物件)。字面含义:small stones/pebbles beside vouchers (literal combination meaning, possibly referring to small objects on or beside vouchers). 汉语字面含义:券票旁的小石子 (字面组合意义,可能指票据上或旁边的小物件)。 英语字面含义:pebbles by vouchers; small stones near tickets (literal combined meaning, maybe small objects related to vouchers or tickets).
  135. 券㙂:意义不明的券票;意义不明的凭证 (字面组合意义,不明其义)。字面含义:voucher of unknown meaning; certificate of unknown meaning (literal combination meaning, meaning unclear). 汉语字面含义:意义不明的券票;意义不明的凭证 (字面组合意义,不明其义)。 英语字面含义:voucher of unknown meaning; certificate of unclear meaning (literal combined meaning, meaning unclear).
  136. 眷对:眷恋对待;眷顾面对。字面含义:affectionately treat; fondly face. 汉语字面含义:眷恋对待;眷顾面对。 英语字面含义:to treat with fondness; to face with affection.
  137. 眷队:眷顾的队伍;受眷恋的团队 (字面组合意义,可能指受重视的团队)。字面含义:cared for team; beloved team (literal combination meaning, possibly a valued team). 汉语字面含义:眷顾的队伍;受眷恋的团队 (字面组合意义,可能指受重视的团队)。 英语字面含义:cherished team; a team that is looked after fondly (literal combined meaning, might describe a valued or favored team).
  138. 眷兑:眷恋兑现;眷顾落实 (字面组合意义,可能指爱意得到回应或眷顾得以实现)。字面含义:affection realization; favor implementation (literal combination meaning, possibly affection reciprocated or favor granted). 汉语字面含义:眷恋兑现;眷顾落实 (字面组合意义,可能指爱意得到回应或眷顾得以实现)。 英语字面含义:affection realized; favor fulfilled (literal combined meaning, could be love returned or a favorable outcome implemented).
  139. 眷怼:眷恋怨恨;眷顾下的怨恨 (字面组合意义,指爱恨交织)。字面含义:affectionate resentment; resentment under favor (literal combination meaning, indicating mixed emotions of love and hate). 汉语字面含义:眷恋怨恨;眷顾下的怨恨 (字面组合意义,指爱恨交织)。 英语字面含义:loving resentment; resentment amidst affection (literal combined meaning, describes conflicted emotions, love mixed with hate).
  140. 眷碓:眷顾旁的舂米工具 (字面组合意义,不常见组合,可能指受眷顾的人在舂米)。字面含义:rice husking pestle beside affection/favor (literal combination meaning, uncommon combination, possibly implying someone favored husking rice). 汉语字面含义:眷顾旁的舂米工具 (字面组合意义,不常见组合,可能指受眷顾的人在舂米)。 英语字面含义:rice husking tool near affection; tool associated with fondness (literal combined meaning, unusual context, possibly someone favored performs husking rice work).
  141. 眷镦:眷顾边的箭头金属部分 (字面组合意义,不常见组合,可能指受眷顾的人持有武器)。字面含义:arrowhead metal part by affection/favor (literal combination meaning, uncommon combination, possibly someone favored holding a weapon). 汉语字面含义:眷顾边的箭头金属部分 (字面组合意义,不常见组合,可能指受眷顾的人持有武器)。 英语字面含义:arrowhead point near fondness; weapon of someone beloved (literal combined meaning, unusual, perhaps suggesting a favored person is armed or possesses weapons).
  142. 眷堆:眷恋堆积;眷顾成堆 (字面组合意义,可能指很多眷恋或恩情)。字面含义:affection accumulation/heap; heap of favor (literal combination meaning, possibly referring to much affection or favor). 汉语字面含义:眷恋堆积;眷顾成堆 (字面组合意义,可能指很多眷恋或恩情)。 英语字面含义:heap of fondness; a great deal of favor shown (literal combined meaning, suggesting large amount of affection or kindness).
  143. 眷磓:眷顾旁的小石子 (字面组合意义,可能指眷顾之地的小物件)。字面含义:small stones/pebbles beside affection/favor (literal combination meaning, possibly referring to small objects in a place of favor). 汉语字面含义:眷顾旁的小石子 (字面组合意义,可能指眷顾之地的小物件)。 英语字面含义:pebbles near favor; small stones associated with kindness or favor (literal combined meaning, maybe objects within a place of favor or affection).
  144. 眷㙂:意义不明的眷恋;意义不明的眷顾 (字面组合意义,不明其义)。字面含义:affection of unknown meaning; favor of unknown meaning (literal combination meaning, meaning unclear). 汉语字面含义:意义不明的眷恋;意义不明的眷顾 (字面组合意义,不明其义)。 英语字面含义:fondness of unclear meaning; favor of unknown purpose (literal combined meaning, meaning unclear).
  145. 绻对 (去声):通畎对;田沟相对 (此绻字同“畎”音和含义)。字面含义:field ditches facing each other (using 绻 in the meaning of 畎). 汉语字面含义:田沟相对 (用绻字通“畎”理解)。 英语字面含义:furrows facing each other (using 绻 to mean 畎). (注:此条及以下几条组合基于 绻 字去声时通“畎” 的用法,虽然和前面的 91-99 条使用了相同的 “绻” 字,但是含义不同,故此处重复列出但意义有所不同)
  146. 绻队 (去声):通畎队;田沟队伍;田埂队伍。字面含义:field ditch team; field ridge team (using 绻 in the meaning of 畎). 汉语字面含义:田沟队伍;田埂队伍 (用绻字通“畎”理解)。 英语字面含义:furrow team; team formed by field ditches (using 绻 to mean 畎).
  147. 绻兑 (去声):通畎兑;田沟兑换;土地交换或沟渠管理。字面含义:field ditch exchange; land exchange or ditch management (using 绻 in the meaning of 畎). 汉语字面含义:田沟兑换;土地交换或沟渠管理 (用绻字通“畎”理解)。 英语字面含义:furrow exchange; land swap or irrigation management (using 绻 to mean 畎).
  148. 绻怼 (去声):通畎怼;对田沟怨恨;因田沟而怨恨。字面含义:resentment towards field ditches; resentment because of field ditches (using 绻 in the meaning of 畎). 汉语字面含义:对田沟怨恨;因田沟而怨恨 (用绻字通“畎”理解)。 英语字面含义:resentment about furrows; being resentful due to field ditches (using 绻 to mean 畎).
  149. 绻碓 (去声):通畎碓;田沟旁的舂米工具;农村场景。字面含义:rice husking pestle beside field ditches; rural scene (using 绻 in the meaning of 畎). 汉语字面含义:田沟旁的舂米工具;农村场景 (用绻字通“畎”理解)。 英语字面含义:rice husking tool beside field ditches; rural setting (using 绻 to mean 畎).
  150. 绻镦 (去声):通畎镦;田沟边的箭头金属部分;农田附近战争或狩猎场景。字面含义:arrowhead metal part by field ditches; war or hunting scene near farmland (using 绻 in the meaning of 畎). 汉语字面含义:田沟边的箭头金属部分;农田附近战争或狩猎场景 (用绻字通“畎”理解)。 英语字面含义:arrowhead metal part by furrows; farming area war or hunting (using 绻 to mean 畎).
  151. 绻堆 (去声):通畎堆;田沟土堆;田间小土堆。字面含义:field ditch earth pile; small earth pile in a field (using 绻 in the meaning of 畎). 汉语字面含义:田沟土堆;田间小土堆 (用绻字通“畎”理解)。 英语字面含义:furrow dirt pile; small mound of earth in a field (using 绻 to mean 畎).
  152. 绻磓 (去声):通畎磓;田沟里的小石子。字面含义:small stones/pebbles in field ditches (using 绻 in the meaning of 畎). 汉语字面含义:田沟里的小石子 (用绻字通“畎”理解)。 英语字面含义:pebbles within field ditches/furrows (using 绻 to mean 畎).
  153. 绻㙂 (去声):通畎㙂;意义不明的田沟。字面含义:field ditch of unknown meaning (using 绻 in the meaning of 畎). 汉语字面含义:意义不明的田沟 (用绻字通“畎”理解)。 英语字面含义:furrow with unknown meaning (using 绻 to mean 畎).
  154. 隽对:隽秀相对;俊美面对。字面含义:outstanding beauty facing; talented beauty facing. 汉语字面含义:隽秀相对;俊美面对。 英语字面含义:outstanding beauty in confrontation; handsome facing.
  155. 隽队:隽秀的队伍;俊才团队。字面含义:talented and beautiful team; talented group. 汉语字面含义:隽秀的队伍;俊才团队。 英语字面含义:beautiful and talented team; group of outstanding talents.
  156. 隽兑:隽秀兑现;才华展现 (字面组合意义)。字面含义:talent realization; talent manifestation (literal combination meaning). 汉语字面含义:隽秀兑现;才华展现 (字面组合意义)。 英语字面含义:talent made real; brilliance showcased (literal combined meaning).
  157. 隽怼:对隽秀怨恨;妒忌才华 (字面组合意义)。字面含义:resentment towards talent and beauty; jealousy of talent (literal combination meaning). 汉语字面含义:对隽秀怨恨;妒忌才华 (字面组合意义)。 英语字面含义:resentment towards talent and beauty; envy due to talent (literal combined meaning).
  158. 隽碓:隽秀旁的舂米工具;才子佳人舂米 (字面组合意义,古代诗意场景)。字面含义:rice husking pestle beside talent and beauty; talented people husking rice (literal combination meaning, ancient poetic scene). 汉语字面含义:隽秀旁的舂米工具;才子佳人舂米 (字面组合意义,古代诗意场景)。 英语字面含义:rice husking tool beside beauty and talent; talented people husking rice (literal combined meaning, classical or poetic scene).
  159. 隽镦:隽秀的箭头金属部分;才子之武器 (字面组合意义,比喻才子的锋芒)。字面含义:arrowhead metal part of talent and beauty; weapon of talent (literal combination meaning, metaphorically talent's sharpness). 汉语字面含义:隽秀的箭头金属部分;才子之武器 (字面组合意义,比喻才子的锋芒)。 英语字面含义:arrowhead of talent; weapons associated with brilliance (literal combined meaning, a metaphor for the cutting edge of talent).
  160. 隽堆:隽秀堆积;才华横溢 (字面组合意义)。字面含义:talent accumulation; overflowing with talent (literal combination meaning). 汉语字面含义:隽秀堆积;才华横溢 (字面组合意义)。 英语字面含义:heap of talent; brimming with brilliance (literal combined meaning).
  161. 隽磓:隽秀的小石子;才华点缀 (字面组合意义,可能指微小的才华闪光)。字面含义:small stones/pebbles of talent; talent embellishment (literal combination meaning, possibly tiny sparks of talent). 汉语字面含义:隽秀的小石子;才华点缀 (字面组合意义,可能指微小的才华闪光)。 英语字面含义:pebbles of talent; minor sparks of talent (literal combined meaning, perhaps hinting at subtle manifestations of brilliance).
  162. 隽㙂:意义不明的隽秀;意义不明的才华 (字面组合意义,不明其义)。字面含义:talent of unknown meaning; beauty of unknown meaning (literal combination meaning, meaning unclear). 汉语字面含义:意义不明的隽秀;意义不明的才华 (字面组合意义,不明其义)。 英语字面含义:talent of unknown meaning; brilliance with unclear significance (literal combined meaning, meaning unclear).
  163. 堆对:堆积相对;成堆地对着。字面含义:piles facing each other; piled up facing. 汉语字面含义:堆积相对;成堆地对着。 英语字面含义:piles confronting each other; facing in a stacked way.
  164. 堆队:堆积的队伍;成堆的团队。字面含义:piled up team; team in heaps. 汉语字面含义:堆积的队伍;成堆的团队。 英语字面含义:piled-up group; a team formed into heaps.
  165. 堆兑:堆积兑换;成堆的交换 (字面组合意义,大宗交易或交换很多)。字面含义:pile exchange; exchange in heaps (literal combination meaning, large-scale transaction or many exchanges). 汉语字面含义:堆积兑换;成堆的交换 (字面组合意义,大宗交易或交换很多)。 英语字面含义:heap exchange; large quantity swap (literal combined meaning, indicating massive exchanges or bulk trading).
  166. 堆怼:对堆不满;因成堆而怨恨 (字面组合意义,可能指数量过多导致不满)。字面含义:dissatisfaction with piles; resentment because of heaps (literal combination meaning, possibly displeasure due to excessive quantity). 汉语字面含义:对堆不满;因成堆而怨恨 (字面组合意义,可能指数量过多导致不满)。 英语字面含义:displeased with piles; resentful about heaps (literal combined meaning, may signify dissatisfaction with excessive amounts or accumulation).
  167. 堆碓:堆积的碓;成堆的舂米工具 (字面组合意义,形容舂米工具很多)。字面含义:piled up rice husking pestles; heaps of rice husking tools (literal combination meaning, describing many rice pestles). 汉语字面含义:堆积的碓;成堆的舂米工具 (字面组合意义,形容舂米工具很多)。 英语字面含义:piles of rice tools; heaps of husking pestles (literal combined meaning, implies a large number of rice processing tools).
  168. 堆镦:堆积的箭头金属部分;成堆的箭头 (字面组合意义,形容箭头数量很多)。字面含义:piled up arrowhead metal parts; heaps of arrowheads (literal combination meaning, describing many arrowheads). 汉语字面含义:堆积的箭头金属部分;成堆的箭头 (字面组合意义,形容箭头数量很多)。 英语字面含义:arrowhead pile; a large amount of arrow tips (literal combined meaning, signifies numerous arrowheads).
  169. 堆堆:堆积如山;层层堆叠。字面含义:piled up like a mountain; layer upon layer stacking. 汉语字面含义:堆积如山;层层堆叠。 英语字面含义:pile upon pile; heaped up mountainously.
  170. 堆磓:堆里的小石子;土堆中的石块 (字面组合意义)。字面含义:small stones/pebbles in piles; stones in earth piles (literal combination meaning). 汉语字面含义:堆里的小石子;土堆中的石块 (字面组合意义)。 英语字面含义:pebbles within piles; rocks inside heaps (literal combined meaning, small rocks embedded in a mound).
  171. 堆㙂:意义不明的堆;意义不明的堆积 (字面组合意义,不明其义)。字面含义:pile of unknown meaning; accumulation of unknown meaning (literal combination meaning, meaning unclear). 汉语字面含义:意义不明的堆;意义不明的堆积 (字面组合意义,不明其义)。 英语字面含义:heap of unclear significance; piles of unknown purpose (literal combined meaning, meaning unclear).
  172. 磓对:磓石相对;小石子相对。字面含义:pebbles facing each other; small stones facing. 汉语字面含义:磓石相对;小石子相对。 英语字面含义:pebbles in opposition; small stones facing one another.
  173. 磓队:磓石队伍;小石子组成的队伍。字面含义:pebble team; team formed by small stones. 汉语字面含义:磓石队伍;小石子组成的队伍。 英语字面含义:pebble formation; line of small rocks.
  174. 磓兑:磓石兑换;小石子的交换 (字面组合意义)。字面含义:pebble exchange; exchange of small stones (literal combination meaning). 汉语字面含义:磓石兑换;小石子的交换 (字面组合意义)。 英语字面含义:pebble exchange; trading small stones.
  175. 磓怼:对磓石不满;因小石子而怨恨 (字面组合意义)。字面含义:dissatisfaction with pebbles; resentment because of small stones (literal combination meaning). 汉语字面含义:对磓石不满;因小石子而怨恨 (字面组合意义)。 英语字面含义:displeasure with pebbles; resentment concerning small stones.
  176. 磓碓:磓石旁的舂米工具;小石子边的碓 (字面组合意义)。字面含义:rice husking pestle beside pebbles; pestle by small stones (literal combination meaning). 汉语字面含义:磓石旁的舂米工具;小石子边的碓 (字面组合意义)。 英语字面含义:rice husking tool near pebbles; pestle next to small stones.
  177. 磓镦:磓石的箭头金属部分;小石子做的箭头 (字面组合意义,可能指石镞)。字面含义:pebble's arrowhead metal part; arrowhead made of small stones (literal combination meaning, possibly stone arrowhead). 汉语字面含义:磓石的箭头金属部分;小石子做的箭头 (字面组合意义,可能指石镞)。 英语字面含义:pebble arrowhead; stone-tipped arrow (literal combined meaning, perhaps referring to stone-age arrowheads).
  178. 磓堆:磓石堆;小石子堆。字面含义:pebble pile; small stone pile. 汉语字面含义:磓石堆;小石子堆。 英语字面含义:pebble heap; mound of small rocks.
  179. 磓磓:小石子堆叠;石头层层堆积 (字面组合意义,指非常多的碎石)。字面含义:small stones stacked; stones layered upon layer (literal combination meaning, referring to many small rocks stacked). 汉语字面含义:磓磓:小石子堆叠;石头层层堆积 (字面组合意义,指非常多的碎石)。 英语字面含义:pebble on pebble; layer after layer of small stones (literal combined meaning, indicating an abundance of pebbles).
  180. 磓㙂:意义不明的磓石;意义不明的小石子 (字面组合意义,不明其义)。字面含义:pebble of unknown meaning; small stone of unknown meaning (literal combination meaning, meaning unclear). 汉语字面含义:意义不明的磓石;意义不明的小石子 (字面组合意义,不明其义)。 英语字面含义:pebble with unclear meaning; small rock of unknown significance (literal combined meaning, meaning unclear).
  181. 㙂对:㙂字相对 (字面组合意义,字形对比)。字面含义:㙂 character facing each other (literal combination meaning, character shape comparison). 汉语字面含义:㙂字相对 (字面组合意义,字形对比)。 英语字面含义:㙂 character opposed; characters shape comparison.
  182. 㙂队:㙂字队伍 (字面组合意义,字形排列)。字面含义:㙂 character team/line (literal combination meaning, character shape arrangement). 汉语字面含义:㙂字队伍 (字面组合意义,字形排列)。 英语字面含义:㙂 formation; a line of the 㙂 character.
  183. 㙂兑:㙂字兑换 (字面组合意义,字形交换或替代)。字面含义:㙂 character exchange (literal combination meaning, character shape exchange or replacement). 汉语字面含义:㙂字兑换 (字面组合意义,字形交换或替代)。 英语字面含义:㙂 exchange; replacing or swapping 㙂 characters.
  184. 㙂怼:对㙂字不满 (字面组合意义,对字形不喜欢)。字面含义:dissatisfaction with 㙂 character (literal combination meaning, dislike for character shape). 汉语字面含义:对㙂字不满 (字面组合意义,对字形不喜欢)。 英语字面含义:displeased with 㙂; negative feelings toward the 㙂 character.
  185. 㙂碓:㙂字旁的舂米工具 (字面组合意义,地点指示,假设地名有㙂)。字面含义:rice husking pestle beside 㙂 character (literal combination meaning, location indicator, assuming place name with 㙂). 汉语字面含义:㙂字旁的舂米工具 (字面组合意义,地点指示,假设地名有㙂)。 英语字面含义:rice husking tool by 㙂; located near 㙂 character region.
  186. 㙂镦:㙂字边的箭头金属部分 (字面组合意义,地点指示,假设地名有㙂)。字面含义:arrowhead metal part by 㙂 character (literal combination meaning, location indicator, assuming place name with 㙂). 汉语字面含义:㙂字边的箭头金属部分 (字面组合意义,地点指示,假设地名有㙂)。 英语字面含义:arrowhead near 㙂; artifact from the 㙂 area.
  187. 㙂堆:㙂字堆积;很多㙂字 (字面组合意义,字符集合)。字面含义:㙂 character accumulation/heap; many 㙂 characters (literal combination meaning, character set). 汉语字面含义:㙂字堆积;很多㙂字 (字面组合意义,字符集合)。 英语字面含义:㙂 pile; accumulation of 㙂 characters.
  188. 㙂磓:㙂字旁的小石子 (字面组合意义,地点指示,假设地名有㙂)。字面含义:small stones/pebbles beside 㙂 character (literal combination meaning, location indicator, assuming place name with 㙂). 汉语字面含义:㙂字旁的小石子 (字面组合意义,地点指示,假设地名有㙂)。 英语字面含义:pebbles around 㙂; small stones by the 㙂 character place.
  189. 㙂㙂:㙂字重复 (字面组合意义,字形重复强调)。字面含义:㙂 character repetition (literal combination meaning, character shape repetition for emphasis). 汉语字面含义:㙂㙂:㙂字重复 (字面组合意义,字形重复强调)。 英语字面含义:㙂㙂; duplicated 㙂 character (literal combined meaning, for emphasis of character).



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